Camille Gauthier


Post-doctoral fellow
Tel : +33 2 47 42 75 35
2021-2023 Ph.D thesis, INRAE UMR85, CNRS UMR7247, University of Tours (France)
2019- 2020: Master 2 BIP, Reproduction and Development, University of Paris (France)
2018-2019: Master 1 Cell biology, physiology and physiopathology, University of Paris (France)
2015 - 2018: Bachelor of Life Sciences option cell biology and physiology, University of Paris (France)

I am looking for nanobody (VHH) and intra-VHH that would modulate the activity of the LH receptor.
The techniques I use are phage display, cell culture, BRET, flow cytometry, bacteria production etc ...

#Signaling Bias


Liste de publication:

Modification date: 13 February 2024 | Publication date: 27 January 2024 | By: CG