Lucas Court



Postdoctoral fellow since 2022
mail :
Postdoctoral fellow at INRAE, Lab. Physiology of reproduction and behaviors, Biology of GPCR Signaling Systems group.
PhD in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology at the GIGA Neurosciences, Liège (Belgium)
Master’s degree in Biology Health Ecology at the Practical School of High Studies (EPHE), Paris (France)

My research field has begun with the study of the biological determinants of sexual orientation in humans.
Curious to understand better the neuronal pathways involved in sexual behavior, my PhD aimed at understanding the role of neuro-estrogens in the organization and functioning of neural circuits supporting social behavior, particularly sexual behavior.
My current post doc aimed at determining the biological markers involved in social behaviors in distinct species: quail, mice, sheep and humans.

#Translation and plasticity

Publication list:

Modification date: 27 January 2024 | Publication date: 27 January 2024 | By: CG