Misbah Razzaq

Misbah RAZZAQ (INRAE Researcher)


INRAE researcher Since 2021
Mail: misbah.razzaq@inrae.fr
Tel:+33 2 47 42 xx xx
Personal web page
Ph.D. - Computer Science, Oct 2015 - Dec 2018, LS2N, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.

Computer scientist by training, I transitioned to computational biology driven by my passion to understand biological data. My research interests lie in the computational modeling of complex molecular networks using artificial intelligence based methods to integrate large datasets at different levels or scales. Precisely, my research topics are: integration of data and networks, machine learning, and integration of omic datasets.

#Translation and plasticity
#Multi-scale modeling
#Signaling Bias


Publication list:

Modification date: 17 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 January 2024 | By: CG