Louis Fostier


Louis Fostier

PhD student
email: louis.fostier@inrae.fr, louis.fostier@inria.fr
2022 – 2025: Doctoral student in applied mathematics
2020-2022: Master of applied mathematics, scientific calculation and modeling course, University of Rennes 1
2017-2020: Bachelor's degree in mathematics, University of Rennes 1

I am currently in my thesis under the supervision of Frédérique Clément and Romain Yvinec. My work is devoted to the development of a model of fish oogenesis which integrates the key stages of physiological and environmental control, in order to understand and represent the complete oocyte dynamics (the entire population of oocytes, and on a scale of the life of the fish).
This deterministic model is written in the form of a partial differential equation. It describes the evolution of a population structured in size, with vital rates (renewal, growth, mortality) presenting non-local non-linearities. I study the mathematical properties of this model, in particular its well-posed character and its long-time behavior. In addition, I implement numerical methods to simulate the model and study its behavior.
Secondly, my research work will focus on the estimation of model parameters, with the aim of answering certain open questions in the biology of fish reproduction (renewal of germ cells, consequences of environmental disturbances).

#Multi-scale modeling

Liste de publication:

Modification date: 13 February 2024 | Publication date: 27 January 2024 | By: CG