
13 February 2024

By: RY

Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates

Non-hormonal female contraception using antibody fragments

13 February 2024

By: RY

MUSCA: Joint Project Team Inria-CNRS-INRAE

We are proud to announce the creation of MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physical systems), a joint project team between Inria, INRAE ​​​​and CNRS, bringing together members of Inria Center Saclay–Île-de-France, INRAE ​​​​Centre Val-de-Loire (UMR 85 Physiology of Reproduction and Behavior) and INRAE ​​​​Centre Île-de-France Jouy-en-Josas (UR 1404 INRA MaiAGE).

13 February 2024

By: RY

CNRS Bronze medal - Lucie Pellissier

Congratulations Lucie!!!

13 February 2024

By: RY

2 ANR Collaborative projects in 2022 for BIOS

Double shot for BIOS & MUSCA! MOSDER and OVOPAUSE, 2 collaborative ANR projects funded in 2022 led respectively by Frédéric Jean-Alphonse and Romain Yvinec.